
django-static-sites is an easy to use Django app that allow you to create a static sites with the power of Django template system. You can render an existing Django view by adding a decorator or you can create an empty project optimized for django-static-sites use. You can specify multiple configuration for multiple deploy type.


How to start

  1. install django-static-sites in your python path or in your virtualenv path (pip install
  2. create an empty optimized project by django-static-admin startproject PROJECT_NAME command
  3. move to the PROJECT_NAME folder and create site by python startsite SITE_NAME command
  4. migrate python migrate
  5. deploy python deploy
  6. start server python runserver
  7. enjoy it at :-)

How to use

If you want to use the Django template system, you must to add a function in your file and add the @staticview decorator:

def index(request):
    ctx = {'title': 'Hello world!'}

    return render_to_response('index.html', ctx, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

and the index.html template file in your templates folder:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="it">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

When you deploy (python deploy or autodeploy), django-static-sites create the index.html using index.html template.

If you want to add an rendered javascript file, you can create a view:

@staticview(path={'demo': 'asd/test.js', '': 'js/test.js'})
def js__test(request):

    ctx = {'title': 'Hello world!'}

    return render_to_response('test.js', ctx, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

and the relatine test.js template:

var text = '{{ title }}';


The test.js destination path are specified in @staticview decorator and is different for different deploy type so we must add 'js_path': js__test.path.get(deploy_type=deploy_type) in the index.html context. deploy_type are passed to the view functions if is declared. Now we can add the import line in the index.html file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ js_path }}"></script>

You can see this and more samples in staticsites/tests/samples folder; you can launch the deploy server for this samples by runserver --settings staticsites.tests.samples.SAMPLE_NAME.settings command.

Other samples
  1. Hello world
  2. Hello world (with static)
  3. AWS S3/CloudFront
  4. AWS S3/CloudFront (multiple remote)
  5. FTP

Add to an existing project

If you want to integrate django-static-sites in existing project you must to:

  1. add staticsites in your INSTALLED_APPS (replace django.contrib.staticfiles)

If you want to use Django development server to serve the deployed static site:

  1. add this lines at your
# Serve default deploy folder as site root
if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += [
            r'^(?:%s)?$' % get_default_index(deploy_type='dev'),
                'document_root': get_deploy_root(deploy_type='dev'), 'path': get_default_index(deploy_type='dev')
                'document_root': get_deploy_root(deploy_type='dev')

Remote deploy

django-static-sites use the Django Storage system during the deploy procedure; by default the file are deployed locally using FileSystemStorage, but you can use any other Storage with the correct settings. In the AWS S3/CloudFront samples I use the django-storages AWS storage for deploying on Amazon S3 bucket.


django-static-sites is work-in-progres:

  • add automatic url pattern
  • ~~autodeploy~~
  • ~~static file optimization~~
  • revert deploy if fail
  • ~~GZip deployed files~~
  • ~~minify deployed files~~
  • ~~custom header for deployed files~~
  • ~~singe configuration constant as dictionary~~
  • ~~deploy on multiple remote~~
  • add param check and raise Exception
  • update tests
  • ~~dedicated settings module for sample~~
  • ~~add tutorials~~
  • ~~deploy admin console~~